Thales Raytheon Systems at NATO CWIX exercise 2024, wrap up!
NATO’s annual Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXploration, eXperimentation, eXamination, eXercise (CWIX) has just concluded in Bydgoszcz, Poland. 2024 marked the largest digital interoperability exercise ever, involving over 42 nations and 2,600 participants.
CWIX aims to enhance the readiness and resilience of NATO and national Command and Control capabilities and information technology services. It is designed to foster interoperability—the ability to work together coherently, effectively, and efficiently to achieve NATO Alliance objectives.
The exercise featured two TRS ACCS systems to showcase the complete NATO Air Command Structure:
- the ACCS LOC1 version, deployed by NCIA as a deployable Control and Reporting Center, and
- the new ACCS ADD3 version, deployed by TRS, supported by the French Air and Space Force, operating as a the Joint Force Air Component at the Operational Command Level.
ACCS successfully participated in three main activities:
- Interoperability Tests: Specific tests with both NATO and national (Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkyïe, etc…) C2 systems demonstrated ACCS’s ability to interface and exchange all relevant information and data.
- Multi-Domain Operations (MDO): The ACCS ADD3 was showcased at the Operational Command level, functioning as a TopCOP system to display consolidated battlespace data from air, space, land, and sea domains.
- Operational Joint Vignette: The ACCS ADD3 played twice the JFAC role in a high-intensity scenario simulating a NATO force counterattack following an act of aggression.
During Distinguished Visitors Day, senior military commanders and civilian leaders from NATO allies and invited nations observed how ACCS capabilities reinforce the capabilities of the Alliance.
TRS is proud to have participated to CWIX and looks forward to contributing with ACCS to the NATO federation of systems, enhancing the collective strength and resilience of the Alliance.