All ACCS processes are able to run in virtual machines, an important step for the implementation on Private Clouds through Virtualisation.
To process its logs and metrics, ACCS has integrated the latest reporting technology based on Big Data, an ELK (Elastic Search, Logstash, Kibana) Stack.
ACCS incorporates its own HUMS (Health and Usage Monitoring System.
The User Experience methodology has allowed ACCS to develop two Apps (Unauthorised Area Intrusion and Aircraft Proximity) developed in a few weeks in very close proximity to the user base, and with a revolutionary HMI designed by and for the users to alleviate their pains in using legacy systems and to instead focus on the actual operational actions that need to be done, efficiently.
All the data produced by the ACCS can be stored in the Air Data Lake, making it available for Apps and, in the future to third party apps and other Federated Systems.
The DevSecOps methodology has been applied to guarantee a development that is both secure and continuously and easily deployable on operational platform.
DRAKE demonstrates the openness of the system, both through the data and the Data Lake and through the open architecture allowing the including of Apps, soon from third parties, with the ultimate aim to integrate ACCS into the future NATO Federation of Systems through mechanisms similar to the ones demonstrated on DRAKE.
An AI-native integrated software suites based on a microservices architecture allowing to extract in near-real time and autonomously, from all information transiting in an organization, the ones predefined as critical and broken down to weak signals, making sense of them through multi-domain visualizations based on the best cognitive technologies, and thus allowing high velocity decision-making at minimum risk.
The Human Autonomy Teaming (HAT) principles applied on ANTICIPE will make sure that, while the experienced user stays in control, the best of the machine capabilities is brought in in parallel to analyze, support and advise him.
From Natural Language Processing (NLP) to Sense-Making and Decision-Making, ANTICIPE has integrated multiple Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning engines to allow the processing, in real time, of multiple information sources. This allows for efficient and flexible management of the cues to, ultimately, visualize the situation and offer advice to the Commander.