TRS achieves the implementation of ACCS Addendum 3 program
TRS achieves the implementation of ACCS Addendum 3 program
ThalesRaytheonSystems is glad to announce the signature of the PSA (Provisional Site Acceptance) of the Addendum 3 program, on Thursday 6th of April 2023.

This program, started mid-2018 to redesign ACCS to meet the new NATO Command Structure requirements with the latest technologies, provides NATO with a superior AirC2 system, enabling improved interoperability between allies, making it possible to deal with ballistic missile threats, and manage air operations from peacetime to high-intensity crisis.
Enhanced performances
With unrivalled performances never reached before, in line with the JFAC and the two CAOCs requirements, the system also addresses the national sites (ARS), the BMDOC, and NATO deployable entities DACCC and DARS.
With a double instance architecture and new redundancy mechanisms, the Addendum 3 program allows a very high availability, dramatically reducing downtime during upgrades as well as reducing power consumption.
The Addendum 3 technology also implements the latest safety and security standards, providing NATO and NATO Nations with a state-of-the-art stable and mature software and hardware technologies.
Improved User Interfaces
The User Interfaces are now renewed using an agile and user-oriented process. All along the program, TRS UX designers and Operational advisors have been working hand in hand with the field operators from different NATO sites to improve the design and make it more user-friendly. ACCS is now a lot easier to use and to apprehend as a new user, meanwhile fitting all operators’ expectations to complete their mission.
Open architecture
By using its own Data Lake, Addendum 3 makes it possible to interface third party applications, allowing the ACCS to be federated with current or upcoming systems of the alliance, serving a common goal: building an all-domain, User-Defined Digital Ecosystem for the current and future collective defense of the Euro-Atlantic Alliance territories and populations.
This major milestone has been achieved thanks to teams within NCIA, AIRCOM and ThalesRaytheonSystems.