Addendum 3 FAT completion
After passing all the Check Point milestones, the FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) was successfully passed by the ThalesRaytheonSystems teams.
As part of the ACCS “Addendum 3 System Adaptation” modernization program, Addendum 3 brings ACCS to x86 technology and adds multiple improvements to an already robust and resilient system: performance, reduced downtime (period of unavailability), virtualized architecture or new HMIs.
The objective of the FAT was the factory validation of operational capabilities: operational scenarios, performance, safety, etc.
The FAT was conducted for 3 weeks in November and in collaboration with a test team from NCIA (NATO Communications and Information Agency). NATO Air Command observers were also present, as well as the APAET Independent Assessment Team.
The final result was presented to NCIA, NATO and NATO nations in mid-January. The conclusion of the formal event was positive.